Monday, April 11, 2011

Making Dumplings

This weekend my host family and I visited my host sister's (Jenny) aunt and uncle to have dinner. Jenny and her family taught me how traditional Chinese dumplings are made! We made dumplings filled with eggs and scallions. They were SO good but really difficult to make! To prepare the outer shell of the dumpling, you roll dough into a thick worm shape and then cut it into small chunks. Then you use a rolling pin to shape the chunks into small circles. It sounds easy but it requires a very specific technique! Once the circular pieces are made, you place a small scoop of filling onto the dough and then press the edges of the circle together. My host family taught me that it is more desirable to have dumplings with wrinkles in them. In order to create the wrinkles you have to pinch the dumplings between your fists. I did not do a great job! The dumplings tasted delicious even though they did not look as pretty as the ones my host family made! I'll have to practice when I get back to America!
-Julia Lang

This is a picture of Spy, my host sister, and  me learning how to make dumplings with her mother and aunt. 

This is a picture of Hannah and me when we were visiting the Qingdao museum.

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